Why is my Pixel not functioning on the Checkout page?

Shopify restricts the insertion of any scripts into the checkout page, including the tracking pixel. Zotek app tracks the 'Initiate checkout' event which is triggered when you click on the checkout button and occurs just before the checkout page is loaded.

The pixel has been added to your app, but it is not tracking any events. What could be the issue?

Please check if you have enabled the events in the 'Event Tracking Settings' menu of our application. Not all events are enabled by default. Or you may have forgotten to enable our app in your embedded app management.

Why do we need to use the Conversion API in addition to the Meta Pixel? I see that the Meta Pixel already captures all the events?

Pixel is super vulnerable and operating at half capability after the IOS 14 updates. Conversion API covers up the tracking loss due to opted-out IOS devices. This means more data and better reporting. Overall, you'll feed Facebook more valuable data to optimize your Facebook ads.

Is it possible to configure each pixel for individual collections or products using your app?

Currently, our application supports configuring each pixel for each collection. As for individual products, Zotek is actively working to enhance its features and plans to release this functionality in future updates.

Why does Meta require event verification for CartView and CollectionView events?

Because the remaining events are standard events predefined by Meta. However, for the CartView and CollectionView events, we found that there would be valuable product information for advertising. So we have provided additional options for users.

Should I delete the Meta Channel app?

Not necessarily. You can keep the app for other purposes but for pixel installation, make sure you pick the right pixel ID to put in Omega so there won't be a conflict.

Last updated